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Cloud Native Transformation

Everything you need to know


What is a Cloud Native Transformation?


First of all, here’s what a Cloud Native Transformation isn’t: Installing Kubernetes. Or installing any other cutting-edge technology and making no other changes to the way you, your team, or your organisation work. 

A true Cloud Native Transformation means not only shiny new tech, but adopting the Cloud Native approach to strategy, culture, and education. To get the most out of Kubernetes and the like, you need to reset your expectations—you need to set them higher.

When done right, a transformation will allow your teams to deliver software faster and more frequently. It will mean many tasks can be automated, freeing your people to create and innovate. It will means greater autonomy and ownership for developers, faster response to changes in customer needs, greater resiliency, and an enhanced ability to scale. Above all, it means keeping pace with your fastest, smartest competitors. 

 Learn about Cloud Native Transformation from our experts

Get the book

Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Patterns for Innovation, from O’Reilly Media, the book by Container Solutions co-founders Jamie Dobson and Pini Reznik, along with technology writer Michelle Gienow, shares what we’ve learned from guiding enterprises in a variety of industries through their own transformations. The highlight is a set of high-level patterns that make it easier for developers, managers, and executives to craft strategy, reduce risk, and guide decision making as they transform their organisation and deliver value to customers faster, smarter, better.

Listen to Jamie and Pini talk about their book on the Agile Uprising Podcast.

You can also catch them on this video of our recent WTFinar about Cloud Native Transformation.

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