
How do Cloud Native transformations happen? Check out our whitepapers

Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Patterns for Innovation


How do you get started in moving to the cloud? Our book published with O'Reilly Media distills what we have learned in guiding companies in a variety of industries through Cloud Native transformations aimed at helping them serve customers better, faster, and smarter.


Case Study: How Adidas Achieved E-Commerce Success with Cloud Native Technology


In a few short years, Adidas went from €40m in online revenue to €4bn. Learn how the German sportswear maker seized e-commerce opportunities, with help from Container Solutions, Giant Swarm, and a new Cloud Native platform that is reliable, fast, scalable, and efficient.


The Rise of the Internal Developer Platform


To make application development go faster, innovative companies are creating Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) augmented by dedicated platform teams. IDPs allow developers to focus on relevant feature development and give them greater autonomy. To learn more, dive into our new whitepaper, brought to you by Humanitec.


GitOps: What You Need to Know Now, 2nd Edition


GitOps is a workflow aimed at making software development easier. The new, second edition of this free e-book by Ian Miell, a Cloud Native engineer at Container Solutions, explains how it works, the problems it's intended to solve, and compares some common GitOps tools.

2-Acquisition Alert v2.0

Container Solutions Acquires EngineerBetter Ltd.


Container Solutions has acquired a 100% stake in EngineerBetter Ltd., a five-year-old company that specialises in Cloud Native technology and transformation. Learn more details in the official announcement here.


The Resilient Company: Cloud Native Patterns for Navigating a Crisis


Get the new free e-book from Pini Reznik, CRO and co-founder of Container Solutions. He shares the Cloud Native patterns that can help you build a strategy to survive—and thrive—in uncertain times.


SRE: The Cloud Native Approach to Operations


Site Reliability Engineering is being adopted by more companies all the time to help them stay competitive and retain IT talent. Learn more from the new e-book by Michael Mueller, Container Solutions’ managing director for DACH/CEE.


Fire Drills: A Guide to Preparing for Your Next Incident


Fire drills can help your engineers prepare for incident response before bad stuff happens for real—and help you keep serving customers without missing a step. Our new whitepaper by Elieser Pereira, a Customer Reliability Engineer at Container Solutions, shares our company's process for creating and running a fire drill.


A Pattern Language for Strategy


First the virus, now the economic fallout—you need to launch your plan-ahead team.


Maintaining Your Mental Health During the COVID-19 Crisis


The following guidance has been written primarily for use by Container Solutions employees globally, but it is being shared externally to act as a useful reminder for all workplaces in these challenging times.

Microservices for Managers


Even well-established companies struggle to compete in the era of disruptors like Amazon and Netflix. But managers can make a huge difference in the fate of their businesses by embracing new tech like microservices. Such advancements, and the new ways of working they demand, can lead directly to improved business performance.


Recent Blogs

This post is aimed at those interested in continuous compliance, an extension of cloud native principles to the area of software compliance, an under-developed field of software au...

Imagine a business that knows its survival depends on change—but can't decide how to act. This scenario plays out more often than you'd think, with fear of failure paralysing decis...

What is Crossplane? If you don't already know, Crossplane is billed as an: Open source, CNCF project built on the foundation of Kubernetes to orchestrate anything. Encapsulate poli...